2019 Awards, All Movie Awards, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Jury Award - Best Documentary Feature, Tribeca Film Festival
2019 Tribeca Film Festival – Jury Award – Best Documentary Feature Winner and Nominees
2019 Tribeca Film Festival - Jury Award - Best Documentary Feature WinnerScheme BirdsEllen FiskeAmazon2019 Tribeca Film Festival - Jury Award - Best Documentary Feature Nominees17 BlocksDavy RothbartAmazonA Woman's Work: The NFL's Cheerleader ProblemYu GuAmazonFor They Know Not What They DoDaniel G. KarslakeAmazonLeftover WomenHilla MedaliaAmazonMystify: Michael HutchenceRichard LowensteinAmazonOur Time MachineS. Leo ChiangAmazonRecorder: The Marion Stokes ProjectMatt WolfAmazonRewindSasha Joseph NeulingerAmazonSeahorseJeanie FinlayAmazonThe Dog DocCindy MeehlAmazonWatsonLesley ChilcottAmazon