Friday, February 21


1993 Awards, All Movie Awards, Coretta Scott King Award, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Illustrator

1993 Coretta Scott King Award – Illustrator Winner and Nominees

1993 Coretta Scott King Award - Illustrator WinnerThe Origin of Life on Earth: An African Creation MythKathleen Atkins Wilson...Amazon1993 Coretta Scott King Award - Illustrator NomineesLittle Eight JohnWil ClayAmazonSukey and the MermaidBrian PinkneyAmazonWorking CottonCarole ByardAmazon
1988 Awards, All Movie Awards, Coretta Scott King Award, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Illustrator

1988 Coretta Scott King Award – Illustrator Winner and Nominees

1988 Coretta Scott King Award - Illustrator WinnerMufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African TaleJohn Steptoe...Amazon1988 Coretta Scott King Award - Illustrator NomineesThe Invisible Hunters: A Legend from the Miskito Indians of NicaraguaJoeSamAmazonWhat a Morning! The Christmas Story in Black SpiritualsAshley BryanAmazon