Monday, March 17

Academy Awards

1946 Awards, Academy Awards, All Movie Awards, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Short Film (Animated)

1946 Academy Awards – Short Film (Animated) Winner and Nominees

1946 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) WinnerQuiet Please!Fred QuimbyThe bulldog wants to take a nap. Tom wants to chase Jerry around the house. Naps and noise don't mix, and so the bulldog threatens Tom to keep quiet or else.Amazon1946 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) NomineesDonald's CrimeWalt DisneyAmazonGypsy LifePaul TerryAmazonJasper and the BeanstalkGeorge PalAmazonLife with FeathersEdward SelzerAmazonRippling RomanceAmazonThe Poet & PeasantWalter LantzAmazon
1947 Awards, Academy Awards, All Movie Awards, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Short Film (Animated)

1947 Academy Awards – Short Film (Animated) Winner and Nominees

1947 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) WinnerThe Cat ConcertoFred QuimbyJerry is determined to disrupt Tom's concert while Tom fights him with the piano without missing a single note.Amazon1947 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) NomineesJohn Henry and the Inky-PooGeorge PalAmazonMusical Moments from ChopinWalter LantzAmazonSquatter's RightsWalt DisneyAmazonWalky Talky HawkyEdward SelzerAmazon
1948 Awards, Academy Awards, All Movie Awards, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Short Film (Animated)

1948 Academy Awards – Short Film (Animated) Winner and Nominees

1948 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) WinnerTweetie PieEdward SelzerThomas the cat finds Tweety in the snow, warming himself by a cigar butt. Thomas's mistress rescues the little yellow bird before her cat can devour him, but Thomas doesn't give up.Amazon1948 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) NomineesChip an' DaleWalt DisneyAmazonDr. Jekyll and Mr. MouseFred QuimbyAmazonPluto's Blue NoteWalt DisneyAmazonTubby the TubaGeorge PalAmazon
1949 Awards, Academy Awards, All Movie Awards, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Short Film (Animated)

1949 Academy Awards – Short Film (Animated) Winner and Nominees

1949 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) WinnerThe Little OrphanFred QuimbyThe Bide-a-Wee Mouse Home has sent the orphan mouse, Nibbles, to spend Thanksgiving with Jerry. But Jerry's cupboard is bare, and Nibbles is always hungry. They start by raiding Tom's milk ...Amazon1949 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) NomineesMickey and the SealWalt DisneyAmazonMouse WreckersEdward SelzerAmazonRobin HoodlumAmazonTea for Two HundredWalt DisneyAmazon
1950 Awards, Academy Awards, All Movie Awards, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Short Film (Animated)

1950 Academy Awards – Short Film (Animated) Winner and Nominees

1950 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) WinnerFor Scent-imental ReasonsEdward SelzerPepe Le Peu chases a female cat in a perfume shop until she turns the tables on him.Amazon1950 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) NomineesCanary RowEdward SelzerAmazonHatch Up Your TroublesFred QuimbyAmazonThe Magic FlukeStephen BosustowAmazonToy TinkersWalt DisneyAmazon
1951 Awards, Academy Awards, All Movie Awards, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Short Film (Animated)

1951 Academy Awards – Short Film (Animated) Winner and Nominees

1951 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) WinnerGerald McBoing-BoingStephen BosustowThe story of a little boy who would only talk in sound effects. With story by Dr. Seuss (and Bill Scott of Rocky and Bullwinkle fame) this cartoon won the Oscar for best short subject (animated) for 1950.Amazon1951 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) NomineesJerry's CousinFred QuimbyAmazonTrouble IndemnityStephen BosustowAmazon
1952 Awards, Academy Awards, All Movie Awards, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Short Film (Animated)

1952 Academy Awards – Short Film (Animated) Winner and Nominees

1952 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) WinnerThe Two MouseketeersFred QuimbyThis Tom and Jerry cartoon is set in 17th century France. Tom, who is a soldier in the King's castle, is assigned to guard the food laid out on a banquet table. Jerry and a smaller mouse ...Amazon1952 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) NomineesLambert the Sheepish LionWalt DisneyAmazonRooty Toot TootStephen BosustowAmazon
1953 Awards, Academy Awards, All Movie Awards, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Short Film (Animated)

1953 Academy Awards – Short Film (Animated) Winner and Nominees

1953 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) WinnerJohann MouseFred QuimbyAt the home of Austrian composer Johann Strauss, lived Johann Mouse. Whenever the composer played his waltzes, the mouse would dance to the music, unable to control himself. One day, when ...Amazon1953 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) NomineesLittle Johnny JetFred QuimbyAmazonMadelineStephen BosustowAmazonPink and Blue BluesStephen BosustowAmazonThe Romance of Transportation in CanadaTom DalyAmazon
1954 Awards, Academy Awards, All Movie Awards, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Short Film (Animated)

1954 Academy Awards – Short Film (Animated) Winner and Nominees

1954 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) WinnerToot, Whistle, Plunk and BoomWalt DisneyA crash course on the history of Western musical instruments.Amazon1954 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) NomineesChristopher CrumpetStephen BosustowAmazonFrom A to Z-Z-Z-ZEdward SelzerAmazonRugged BearWalt DisneyAmazonThe Tell-Tale HeartStephen BosustowAmazon
1955 Awards, Academy Awards, All Movie Awards, Film Awards, Film Awards By Year, Short Film (Animated)

1955 Academy Awards – Short Film (Animated) Winner and Nominees

1955 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) WinnerWhen Magoo FlewStephen BosustowMr. Magoo sets off to go to the movies but goes to an airport by mistake and gets on a plane thinking it to be a theater. Little does Magoo know the man he is sitting next to is actually a ...Amazon1955 Academy Awards - Short Film (Animated) NomineesCrazy Mixed Up PupWalter LantzAmazonPigs Is PigsWalt DisneyAmazonSandy ClawsEdward SelzerAmazonTouché, Pussy Cat!Fred QuimbyAmazon