1974 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award - Fiction & Poetry WinnerM.C. Higgins, the GreatVirginia Hamiltion...Amazon1974 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award - Fiction & Poetry NomineesAnd Then What Happened, Paul Revere?Jean FritzAmazonThe Summer after the FuneralJane GardamAmazonTough ChaunceyDoris Buchanan SmithAmazon
1974 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award - Picture Book WinnerJambo Means Hello: Swahili Alphabet BookMuriel Feelings...Amazon1974 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award - Picture Book NomineesA Prairie Boy's WinterWilliam KurelekAmazonAll Butterflies: An ABCMarcia BrownAmazonHerman the HelperRobert KrausAmazon
1974 Edgar Allan Poe Award - Juvenile WinnerThe Long Black CoatJay Bennett ...Amazon1974 Edgar Allan Poe Award - Juvenile NomineesDreamland LakeRichard PeckAmazonThe Mystery of the Scowling BoyPhyllis A. WhitneyAmazonThe Secret of the Seven CrowsWylly Folk St. JohnAmazon