Sunday, March 9

Pulitzer Prize – Poetry

1965 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Pulitzer Prize, Pulitzer Prize - Poetry

1965 Pulitzer Prize – Poetry Winner and Nominees

1965 Pulitzer Prize - Poetry Winner77 Dream SongsJohn BerrymanA wild, masterful Pulitzer Prize-winning cycle of poems that half a century later still shocks and astounds John Berryman was hardly unknown when he published 77 Dream Songs, but the volume was, nevertheless, a shock and a revelation. A "spooky" collection...Amazon
1962 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Pulitzer Prize, Pulitzer Prize - Poetry

1962 Pulitzer Prize – Poetry Winner and Nominees

1962 Pulitzer Prize - Poetry WinnerPoemsAlan DuganPoems Seven: New and Complete Poetry, the winner of the National Book Award, presents the life work of a giant of American letters, tracks a forty-year career of honest, tough artistry, and shows a man at nearly 80 years of age and still at the height of h...Amazon
1961 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Pulitzer Prize, Pulitzer Prize - Poetry

1961 Pulitzer Prize – Poetry Winner and Nominees

1961 Pulitzer Prize - Poetry WinnerTimes Three: Selected Verse From Three DecadesPhyllis McGinley300 poems, including 70 new ones, are collected as the work of three decades, and represents the hwole range of the poetess' talents from good humored digs at human foibles to her most serious selectio....Amazon