Saturday, February 22

Pulitzer Prize – History

1937 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Pulitzer Prize, Pulitzer Prize - History

1937 Pulitzer Prize – History Winner and Nominees

1937 Pulitzer Prize - History WinnerThe Flowering of New England, 1815–1865Van Wyck BrooksThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, ...Amazon
1939 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Pulitzer Prize, Pulitzer Prize - History

1939 Pulitzer Prize – History Winner and Nominees

1939 Pulitzer Prize - History WinnerA History of American MagazinesFrank Luther Mott"The five volumes of A History of American Magazines constitute a unique cultural history of America, viewed through the pages and pictures of her periodicals from the publication of the first monthly magazine in 1741 through the golden age of magazines in...Amazon
1940 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Pulitzer Prize, Pulitzer Prize - History

1940 Pulitzer Prize – History Winner and Nominees

1940 Pulitzer Prize - History WinnerAbraham Lincoln: The War YearsCarl Sandburg"By the time this single-volume edition was completed, [Sandberg] had spent a lifetime studying, researching, and writing about our sixteenth president. His extraordinary portrait brings fully to life the country lawyer who would become one of the most inf...Amazon
1942 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Pulitzer Prize, Pulitzer Prize - History

1942 Pulitzer Prize – History Winner and Nominees

1942 Pulitzer Prize - History WinnerReveille in Washington, 1860–1865Margaret LeechExcerpt from Reveille in Washington: 1860-1865 Uneasily in the Presidential chair sat James Buchanan of Pennsylvania, like a nervous gentleman on a runaway horse, longing for the ride to be over. A commonplace politician of nearly seventy, he was conscient...Amazon
1944 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Pulitzer Prize, Pulitzer Prize - History

1944 Pulitzer Prize – History Winner and Nominees

1944 Pulitzer Prize - History WinnerThe Growth of American ThoughtMerle CurtiHailed as a pioneer achievement upon its original publi-cation and awarded the Pulitzer Prize in history in 1944, The Growth of American Thought has won appreciative reviews and earned the highest regard among historians of the national experience. With hi...Amazon