Sunday, February 23

Governor General’s Literary Award – Fiction

1978 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Governor General's Literary Award, Governor General's Literary Award - Fiction

1978 Governor General’s Literary Award – Fiction Winner and Nominees

1978 Governor General's Literary Award - Fiction WinnerWho Do You Think You Are?Alice Munro**Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature** Born into the back streets of a small Canadian town, Rose battled incessantly with her practical and shrewd stepmother, Flo, who cowed her with tales of her own past and warnings of the dangerous world outside. B...Amazon
1945 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Governor General's Literary Award, Governor General's Literary Award - Fiction

1945 Governor General’s Literary Award – Fiction Winner and Nominees

1945 Governor General's Literary Award - Fiction WinnerTwo SolitudesHugh MacLennanWinner of the Governor Generals Award for Fiction Canada Reads Selection (CBC), 2013 A landmark of nationalist fiction, Hugh MacLennans Two Solitudes is the story of two peoples within one nation, each with its own legend and ideas of what a nation shoul...Amazon
1936 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Governor General's Literary Award, Governor General's Literary Award - Fiction

1936 Governor General’s Literary Award – Fiction Winner and Nominees

1936 Governor General's Literary Award - Fiction WinnerThink of The EarthBertram Brooker"A mysterious story, but not a mystery--a murder story, without a murder. The interest centres round the question of who will be murdered? rather than who is the murderer? Tavistock, an Englishman who drifts to Western Canada, becomes obsessed by a...Amazon
1938 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Governor General's Literary Award, Governor General's Literary Award - Fiction

1938 Governor General’s Literary Award – Fiction Winner and Nominees

1938 Governor General's Literary Award - Fiction WinnerSwiss SonataGwethalyn GrahamWinner of the 1938 Governor Generals Literary Award For Fiction. The novel is set in a girls boarding school in Switzerland in 1936 over a three day period. What makes this novel extraordinary is not just the authors insights into the behaviour of the g...Amazon