1998 Beehive Award - Fiction WinnerSomeone Was WatchingDavid Patneaude...Amazon1998 Beehive Award - Fiction NomineesDefenders of the UniverseD.V. KelleherAmazonDragonslayersBruce CovilleAmazonKokopelli's FluteWill HobbsAmazonLater, GatorLaurence YepAmazonMr. Lincoln's DrummerG. Clifton WislerAmazonMy Name is Brain BrianJeanne BetancourtAmazonRunning Out of TimeMargaret Peterson HaddixAmazonThe 13th Floor: a Ghost StorySid Fleischman, illustrated Peter SisAmazonThe Private Notebook of Katie Roberts, Age 11Amy Hest, illustrated by Sonja LamutAmazonTornadoBetsy Cromer Byars and Doron Ben-AmiAmazonYou're Dead, David BorelliSusan M. BrownAmazon