Saturday, March 29

1981 Awards

1981 Awards, All Book Awards, Beehive Award, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Fiction

1981 Beehive Award – Fiction Winner and Nominees

1981 Beehive Award - Fiction WinnerEddie's MenagerieCarolyn Haywood, illustrated by Ingrid Fetz...AmazonThe Letter, the Witch, and the RingJohn Bellairs, illustrated by Richard Egielski...Amazon1981 Beehive Award - Fiction NomineesA Swiftly Tilting Planet (A Wrinkle in Time, book 3)Madeleine L'EngleAmazonA Very Young GymnastJill KrementzAmazonAlan Mendelsohn, the Boy from MarsDaniel PinkwaterAmazonBeat the Turtle DrumConstance C. GreeneAmazonBrendan the NavigatorJean FritzAmazonChameleon was a SpyDiane R. MassieAmazonConquista!Clyde Robert Bulla and Michael Syson, illustrated by Ronald HimlerAmazonGirl who Married a Ghost, and Other Tales from the North American Indian photographsEdward S. Curtis and edited by John BierhorstAmazonGoblin, a Wild ChimpanzeeGeza Teleki and Karen SteffyAmazonH...
1981 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, Fiction & Poetry

1981 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award – Fiction & Poetry Winner and Nominees

1981 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award - Fiction & Poetry WinnerThe LeavingLynn Hall...Amazon1981 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award - Fiction & Poetry NomineesFlight of the SparrowJulia CunninghamAmazonFootstepsLeon GarfieldAmazonIda Early Comes Over the MountainRobert BurchAmazon