Sunday, September 8

1985 Locus – SF Novel Winner and Nominees

1985 Locus – SF Novel Winner

The Integral Trees

The Integral Trees

Larry Niven

1985 Locus – SF Novel Shortlist

Across the Sea of Suns
Across the Sea of Suns
Gregory Benford
Chanur's Venture
Chanur’s Venture
C. J. Cherryh
City of Sorcery
City of Sorcery
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Clay's Ark
Clay’s Ark
Octavia E. Butler
John Varley
Heechee Rendezvous
Heechee Rendezvous
Frederik Pohl
Kim Stanley Robinson
William Gibson
Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand
Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand
Samuel R. Delany
The Adversary
The Adversary
Julian May
The Final Encyclopedia
The Final Encyclopedia
Gordon R. Dickson
The Peace War
The Peace War
Vernor Vinge
West of Eden
West of Eden
Harry Harrison
World's End
World’s End
Joan D. Vinge

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