Saturday, March 15

2019 The Satellite Awards – Best Cinematography Winner and Nominees

2019 The Satellite Awards – Best Cinematography Winner

1917 Roger Deakins


Roger Deakins

April 6th, 1917. As a regiment assembles to wage war deep in enemy territory, two soldiers are assigned to race against time and deliver a message that will stop 1,600 men from walking straight into a deadly trap.

2019 The Satellite Awards – Best Cinematography Nominees

Ford v Ferrari Phedon Papamichael
Ford v Ferrari
Phedon Papamichael
Joker Lawrence Sher
Lawrence Sher
Motherless Brooklyn Dick Pope
Motherless Brooklyn
Dick Pope
Rocketman George Richmond
George Richmond
The Irishman Rodrigo Prieto
The Irishman
Rodrigo Prieto