Saturday, March 15

2019 International Film Festival Rotterdam – Big Screen Award Winner and Nominees

2019 International Film Festival Rotterdam – Big Screen Award Winner

Transnistria Anna Eborn


Anna Eborn

Atmospherically shot on 16mm film, Transnistra is an intimate and vital account of love and friendship in a complex, contradictory world. Award-winning director Anna Eborn (Pine Ridge) …

2019 International Film Festival Rotterdam – Big Screen Award Nominees

Bangla Phaim Bhuiyan
Phaim Bhuiyan
God of the Piano Itay Tal
God of the Piano
Itay Tal
Hail Satan? Penny Lane
Hail Satan?
Penny Lane
Joel Carlos Sorin
Carlos Sorin
Queen of Hearts May el-Toukhy
Queen of Hearts
May el-Toukhy
The Best of Dorien B. Anke Blondé
The Best of Dorien B.
Anke Blondé
X&Y Anna Odell
Anna Odell