Saturday, February 22

2014 Grand Canyon Reader Award – Intermediate Winner and Nominees

2014 Grand Canyon Reader Award – Intermediate Winner

Pie Sarah Weeks


Sarah Weeks

2014 Grand Canyon Reader Award – Intermediate Nominees

Darwen Arkwright and the Peregrine Pact A.J. Hartley
Darwen Arkwright and the Peregrine Pact
A.J. Hartley
Escape by Night Laurie Myers
Escape by Night
Laurie Myers
Good Curses Evil Stephanie S. Sanders
Good Curses Evil
Stephanie S. Sanders
The Last Musketeer Stuart Gibbs
The Last Musketeer
Stuart Gibbs
The Luck of the Buttons Anne Ylvisaker
The Luck of the Buttons
Anne Ylvisaker
The Unforgotten Coat Frank Cottrell Boyce
The Unforgotten Coat
Frank Cottrell Boyce
The Wish Stealers Tracy Trivas
The Wish Stealers
Tracy Trivas
Waiting for the Magic Patricia MacLachlan
Waiting for the Magic
Patricia MacLachlan