Sunday, September 8

2013 British Fantasy Awards – August Derleth Award – Horror Novel Winner and Nominees

2013 British Fantasy Awards – August Derleth Award – Horror Novel Winner

Last Days

Last Days

Adam Nevill

Last Days (winner of the British Fantasy Award for Best Horror Novel of the Year) by Adam Nevill is a Blair Witch style novel in which a documentary film-maker undertakes the investigation of a dangerous cult—with creepy consequences When guerrilla documen…

2013 British Fantasy Awards – August Derleth Award – Horror Novel Shortlist

Silent Voices
Silent Voices
Gary McMahon
Some Kind of Fairy Tale
Some Kind of Fairy Tale
Graham Joyce
The Drowning Girl
The Drowning Girl
Caitlín R. Kiernan
The Kind Folk
The Kind Folk
Ramsey Campbell

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