Friday, February 28

2013 Beehive Award – Informational Winner and Nominees

2013 Beehive Award – Informational Winner

Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum Meghan McCarthy

Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum

Meghan McCarthy

2013 Beehive Award – Informational Nominees

A Butterfly is Patient Dianna Hutts Aston
A Butterfly is Patient
Dianna Hutts Aston
Amelia Lost: The Life and Disappearance of Amelia Earhart Candace Fleming
Amelia Lost: The Life and Disappearance of Amelia Earhart
Candace Fleming
Arlington: The Story of Our Nation’s Cemetery Chris Demarest
Arlington: The Story of Our Nation’s Cemetery
Chris Demarest
Charles Dickens and the Street Children of London Andrea Warren
Charles Dickens and the Street Children of London
Andrea Warren
For the Love of Music: The Remarkable Story of Maria Anna Mozart Elizabeth Rusch
For the Love of Music: The Remarkable Story of Maria Anna Mozart
Elizabeth Rusch
Just Being Audrey Margaret Cardillo
Just Being Audrey
Margaret Cardillo
Lafayette and the American Revolution Russell Freedman
Lafayette and the American Revolution
Russell Freedman
The Bat Scientists, Scientists in the Field series, Mary Kay Carson
The Bat Scientists, Scientists in the Field series,
Mary Kay Carson
Tom Thumb: The Remarkable True Story of a Man in Miniature George Sullivan
Tom Thumb: The Remarkable True Story of a Man in Miniature
George Sullivan