1994 Americas Award for Children & Young Adult Literature – Children/Young Adult Winner

The Mermaid’s Twin Sister
Lynn Joseph
1994 Americas Award for Children & Young Adult Literature – Children/Young Adult Nominees

A Day’s Work
Eve Bunting

Alexandro’s Gift
Richard E. Albert

Angel’s Kite / La estrella de Ángel
Alberto Blanco

Beyond the Ancient Cities
José María Merino, Helen Lane (tr.)

Laura Roybal

Caribbean Alphabet
Frané Lessac

Cool Salsa: Bilingual Poems on Growing Up Latino in the United States
Lori Marie Carlson (ed.)

De Colores and Other Latin American Folksongs for Children
Jose-Luis Orozco

Feliz Nochebuena, Feliz Navidad
Maricel E. Presilla

How Music Came to the World: An Ancient Mexican Myth
Hal Ober

How Night Came from the Sea: A Story from Brazil
Mary-Joan Gerson

I have a news
Neil Philip (ed.)

Imagining Isabel
Omar S. Castañeda

Juan Bobo: Four Folktales from Puerto Rico
Carmen T. Bernier-Grand

Las nanas de abuelita / Grandmother’s Nursery Rhymes
Nelly Palacio Jaramillo

Lights on the River
Jane Resh Thomas

My Two Worlds
Ginger Gordon

Not a Copper Penny in Me House: Poems from the Caribbean
Monica Gunning

Over Here It’s Different: Carolina’s Story
Mildred Leinweber Dawson

Pablo’s Tree
Pat Mora

Platero y yo / Platero and I
Juan Ramón Jiménez

Ransom for a River Dolphin
Sarita Kendall

Rata-Pata-Scata-Fata: A Caribbean Story
Phillis Gershator

Rio Grande Stories
Carolyn Meyer

Saturday Market
Patricia Grossman

Karen Lynn Williams

The Bossy Gallito: A Traditional Cuban Folk Tale
Lucía M. González

The Hummingbird’s Gift
Stefan Czernecki and Timothy Rhodes

The Legend of the Poinsettia
Tomie dePaola

The Red Comb
Fernando Picó

The Sad Night: The Story of an Aztec Victory and a Spanish Loss
Sally Schofer Mathews

The Tale of Rabbit and Coyote
Tony Johnston

The Tree That Rains: The Flood Myth of the Huichol Indians of Mexico
Emery Bernhard

Tukama Tootles the Flute: A Tale from the Antilles
Phillis Gershator

Voices from the Fields : Children of Migrant Farmworkers Tell Their Stories
S. Beth Atkin

Walking Stars: Stories of Magic and Power
Victor Villaseñor

When the Monkeys Came Back
Kristine L. Franklin