1988 Beehive Award – Fiction Winner

Wait Till Helen Comes: a Ghost Story
Mary Downing Hahn
1988 Beehive Award – Fiction Nominees

A Hidden Magic
Vivian Vande Velde, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman

Adventures of Johnny May
Robbie Branscum, illustrated by Deborah Howland

After the Dancing Days
Margaret Rostowski

Babe: the Gallant Pig
Dick King-Smith, illustrated by Maggie Kneen

Building Blocks
Cynthia Voigt

General Butterfinger
John Reynolds Gardiner, illustrated by Catherine Bowman Smith

Me, My Goat, and My Sister’s Wedding
Stella Pevsner

More Stories Julian Tells
Ann Cameron, illustrated by Ann Strugnell

Prairie Songs
Pam Conrad

Racso and the Rats of NIMH
Jane Leslie Conly, illustrated by Leonard Lubin

Return of the Indian (The Indian in the Cupboard, book 2)
Lynne Reid Banks

Streams to the River, River to the Sea
Scott O’Dell

Lois Lowry

The Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito
Sheila Garrigue

The Magic Book
Willo Davis Roberts

The Not-Just-Anybody Family
Betsy Cromer Byars

Today’s Special: Z.A.P. and Zoe
Athena V. Lord