1984 Buckeye Children’s Book Award – Grades 3-5 Winner

Nothing’s Fair in Fifth Grade
Barthe DeClements
1984 Buckeye Children’s Book Award – Grades 3-5 Nominees

Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery
Deborah Howe

Cybil War, The
Betsy Byars

Fourth Grade Celebrity
Patricia Reilly Giff

Help! I’m A Prisoner In The Library
Eth Clifford

Howliday Inn
James Howe

Ida Early Comes Over the Mountain
Robert Burch

Jelly Belly
Robert Kimmel Smith

Light In the Attic, A
Shel Silverstein

Monster’s Ring, The
Bruce Coville

Ralph S. Mouse
Beverly Cleary

Rolling Harvey Down the Hill
Jack Prelutsky

Secret Life of the Underwear Champ, The
Betty Miles

Soup on Wheels
Robert Peck

S.E. Hinton