Saturday, February 22

1980 Cannes Film Festival – Palme d’Or – Best Short Film Winner and Nominees

1980 Cannes Film Festival – Palme d’Or – Best Short Film Winner

Seaside Woman Oscar Grillo

Seaside Woman

Oscar Grillo

Animated video to accompany the record of the same name, released under the pseudonym of Suzy and the Red Stripes, but in reality Wings’ with Linda on lead vocals.

1980 Cannes Film Festival – Palme d’Or – Best Short Film Nominees

Arrêt momentané Marie-France Siegler
Arrêt momentané
Marie-France Siegler
Canada Vignettes: The Performer Norma Bailey
Canada Vignettes: The Performer
Norma Bailey
Grandomaniya Nikolay Todorov
Nikolay Todorov
Krychle Zdenek Smetana
Zdenek Smetana
La petite enfance du cinéma Joël Farges
La petite enfance du cinéma
Joël Farges
Magyar kepek Csaba Szórády
Magyar kepek
Csaba Szórády
Rails Manolo Otero
Manolo Otero
Scheherazade Susan Casey
Susan Casey
Sky Dance Faith Hubley
Sky Dance
Faith Hubley
Z górki Marian Cholerek
Z górki
Marian Cholerek