1943 Academy Awards – Documentary (Feature) Winner

Kokoda Front Line!
Cameraman Damien Parer has just returned from the front in New Guinea, where he’s documented Australian troops in action. He explains this to us in a prolog. We then see air drops of …

Moscow Strikes Back

Prelude to War
The official World War II US Government film statement defining the various enemies of the Allies and why they must be fought.

The Battle of Midway
The Japanese attack on Midway in June 1942, filmed as it happened.
1943 Academy Awards – Documentary (Feature) Nominees

A Ship Is Born

Africa, Prelude to Victory

Combat Report

Conquer by the Clock
Frederic Ullman Jr.

Henry Browne, Farmer

High Over the Borders

High Stakes in the East

Inside Fighting China

It’s Everybody’s War

Listen to Britain

Little Belgium

Little Isles of Freedom
Victor Stoloff

Mister Gardenia Jones

Mr. Blabbermouth!

Paramount Victory Short No. T2-2: We Refuse to Die
William C. Thomas

Paramount Victory Short No. T2-3: The Price of Victory

The Grain That Built a Hemisphere
Walt Disney

The New Spirit
Walt Disney

The White Eagle

Twenty-One Miles